Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Tale of the Two Clematis

So, we have two Clemati--one, that's three years old, grew year one, no blooms, thrived year two, many blooms...year three (this year)....vines, no leaves on them, BUT new growth from the base, that I at this point am thrilled to see, as I thought it was just dead.

Second plant, at least two years old--I admit to having ignored it and can't recall when I got it--bascially, all I can remember is that it was hanging out somewhere on the deck and I think it produced a couple blooms last year. THIS year, it is rockin' and rolling, sprouting from old wood, producing new shoots, and about to burst with blooms, I believe. It is positioned by a trellis that I hope it will overtake. Have a pot positioned with Morning Glory seeds nearby just in case not. Let's go to the videotape (Note aforementioned Mystery Plant to the right of the thriving Clematis. My mother, a master gardener, thinks this is a Foxglove, which I have had in my garden, but not in this pot. I am discouraged, as when I went to the bank in downtown Brooklyn, I thought I spied the Mystery Plant growing out of a crevice in the pavement. Boo. Sorry Mom.) :


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