Saturday, May 17, 2008

Continued Growth

Less than a week later, significant changes are already afoot. The indestructible Niobe clematis is starting to bloom. (it fell over last night, doesn't seem to care...), the Wigela is covered in blossoms, even with its weird leaning habit (I have tried to stake it to be more upright; anyway, the pverall effect is interesting and I can go with it); the whiskey barrel planter with its dianthus and ribbon grass is looking lovely, especially with the purple sage next to it, and the nasturtiums continue to come up from seeds. Also, the (pair?) of clematis that bloomed late last year seemed to really want to go up, so I moved it to where the Niobe was in previous years. BOY did it want to go up: it's climbed the trellis and is now looking for more places to go. Need to train that sucker.

A pic of the Million Bells haul from the BBG sale, along with a couple Zinnias I'm looking forward to integreating into some containers. Meanwhile, we're keeping an eye on the edge of the container that housed Million Bells last year, hoping the seedlings coming up are, in fact, more Million Bells. (They did reseed last year--FREE PLANTS!--so we're optimistic.) A zillion--or perhaps, we should say, "million" small seedings are coming up in various other containers, so we're keeping our fingers crossed on those. reagrdless, they appear to be something good, and not weeds.


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