Saturday, June 10, 2006

Lean & Green: The Free Edition

Because I'm a big giant garden geek, sometimes I sit around on the deck and revel in all the plants I got "for free." i.e., plants I bought a season, or several seasons ago, that return, and often do better than the year before. (God bless perennials.)

It is not unusual for me to count them. I never tire of this exercise; always extremely satisfying. (This is not counting the many fab containers I got at Odd Job--RIP Odd Job, we miss you--which I obsessively researched online to see how much of a bargain I was getting. Again, always extremely satisfying to go to Lowe's or Home Depot and see similar, or the same containers for mind-blowing prices. ps: Closeout Connection on Court Street near Borough Hall has many contianers and gardening stuf for cheap right now.

When I moved out of my apartment where I was graced with a GIANT garden, I went back and took plants out of the earth, because they were mine, and they contained my history, as well as a sentimental moss-covered brick.
. (I left the bulbs, as a gift to the next residents.) It was my first real garden. I loved it.

Anyway, in a recurring feature, I present some of the plants I've gotten for "free."


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