Thursday, June 08, 2006

Bounty from the Garden

First of all, this rain has to stop. Ix-nay on the Ain-ray. It's good for the garden, but COME ON! All the moisture leads to fungus and slugs, and just bad times overall. I once took a class at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and I was really looking forward to knowing where the hell slugs came from. Especially on a roof garden two stories up! I mean, what do they slither up the side of the building? The woman teaching looked at me when I asked and said "From hell. They come from hell." Great. Thanks. So much for that. Internet research provided little enlightenment, at which point I became extremely fascinated with slugs. I mean, I guess their eggs (?) are in the soil already or something. I am already beginnning to find them this year. and yes, I know about beer and trapping them.

anyway...went out to the garden to get some flowers for the living room. My results.


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