Thursday, July 03, 2008

Things To Do

Move healthy morning glory seedlings to pot with dead tree--so they can climb it.

Divide up young snapdragon plants and use to fill in other planters.

One day: divide campanula & coreopsis.

Trim foliage of nasturtiums.

Reorganize planters, retiring spent plants and showcasing others.

Stage Sweet Pea protest.


Post photos of client garden on steroids.

Make rustic twig trellis; become millionaire selling rustic twig trellises to wealthy Brooklynites.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Bathroom Series Continues

Rose, Zinnias, Pinks, Poppies, etc. Like this one.

The "Body Bag" Rose

This is a new term I learned on I believe, GardenWeb. Of course, invoked derisively. I bought two last year--why? unclear. One died, but that's not surprising as I treated them, uh, poorly. This red climbing rose wasn't having any of it, and has returned, as you can see, quite vigorously. What is it? Wish I knew. I have made a point of saving all plant tags to reference, and I seem to have them all...except the ones I really need. At this point, I'm doing my best to contain this sucker. (To my credit, I did transplant this this spring, ammend with bone meal and fertilizer, and mulch well. Beyond that, I think the conditions--i.e. where it is on the deck--are ideal, kind of by accident. The thing is, I'm going to move it...)

Lean & Green!

Actually Current Photos!

Just took these, after a hard rain--lots of hard rain going on right now...

Peonies, etc.

So this is a little late, but whatever. Some shots of the peonies as they were opening. Delightful. Also, another impromptu arrangement for my office featuring some poppies. Lovely flowers, those.

A musing, albeit not a very original one: The thing about gardens and plants is that they do amazing, wonderful things. But so often, they are not the things we try to make them do, lovingly coax them to do, etc. Good stuff is happening in the garden now (pics, as always, to come...) but as usual, the garden has a mind of its own. The planter that was artfully arranged and labored over becomes totally jammed and chaotic; the plant that was supposed to climb and cover something (a trellis, a fence, an obelisk) poops out and is (literally) not up to the challenge; the easy-to-grow seeds are suprisingly not all that easy to grow. (Nevermind the cilantro that insists on flowering EVERY YEAR at the expense of tasty leaves.) It is maddening. Meanwhile, the "body bag" climbing rose, bought at Home Depot on a whim last year, after a bout with aphids, is large and in charge; the orphaned mail-order plants stuffed in a container in a hodge podge are thriving, and the hastily transplanted Bee Balm are just fine. (You know what I don't need? More Bee Balm.)Screed on sweet peas to follow...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Reason #952 To Have A...Oh, you know....

Bounty from the garden: fresh lilies, et. al...again, in the bathroom...

And Now, A Word From Our Sponsors...

So, our major client (Nick in Carroll Gardens--we continue to love you!) is really into birds. He really loves the birds. (And why not?) Many feeders, lots of seed, and they do come in droves. Hoping to encourage more feathered friends to stop by his garden, we planted some shrubs and other goodies this season over at his place. (Researching how to do that was actually very enlightening: shelter, food, water is the killer combo.)

Anyway, he inspired us. We thought--"Why don't we have any birdy stuff?" So, thanks to an Amazon gift certificate from Ed and Alaine O'Connor (full disclosure: dad and step-mom) we acquired some lovely birdy accessories: a bird feeder and birdbath. I love them, and the birds have already found their way to these items. (Watching birds is actually very relaxing--who knew? And seeing a bird take a drinky drink from a little birdbath one has set out is actually very rewarding! Who knew, once again.)

For all of YOU who are inspired: for some reason all of the Strathmore brand of garden goods (what I bought) at Amazon are deeply discounted right now--many with free shipping! Cheap but classy, and classic looking! Lean & Green!

Misc. pics

Some more shots from the Bergen Homestead...

Before the heat, before the storms

For those of you in the Land of Brook, you know it's been all kinds of crazy in terms of the weather over here. 105 degrees with the humidity, followed by strong winds and heavy downpours. (But still, the heat does not really subside for long after these rains.)

Anyway, I've taken lots of pics, so am not really sure what I'm about to post--perhaps the Iceberg rose I bought at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden sale...perhaps some overview shots with the yellow coreopsis and the campanula starting to bloom...perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

More the meantime, enjoy. (or really, just look at these pics.)

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Reason #853 To Have A Garden

So, I went to this scrapbooking convention last weekend. (Have I mentioned that I'm a writer and am working on an awesome book about the exploding scrapbooking phenomenon? Probably not. Anyway--publishers--call me!)

So I stayed at this hotel and look at what was in my hotel bathroom. High class.

Kidding! This is my bathroom, adorned with peonies, roses, and sage from my garden. Word up.