The Triumphant Return of Lean & Green!
Yes, we're back. After the near-flood a week or so ago, it is now 70+ degrees and sunny here in Brooklyn. Lean & Green took the opportunity to brush off the leaves and winter residue from the inventory, take stock, and generally see how things are doing.
Bulbs planted last fall showing some kind of life--I planted about 15 daffodils, 15 tulips and 8 hyacinth. As you'll see, some tulips are coming up, and there are signs of some daffodils. Hyacinth...not sure.
The tale of two clemati, which kicked off this blog last season with a bang, has a new twist. For one, there's another clematis in the house, which is coming back, but it's unclear if it's doing so in the "right way" to bloom. We'll see. The clematis that bloomed magenta flowers last year is rocking and rolling, and I believe there are already buds on it. The truly exciting news is that the oldest clematis, which did not bloom last year, and only grew from the bottom up, is sprouting on upper vines, which I take as a very good sign and I am anticipating blooms. Can you feel the excitement? I can.
In other news, there are lots of signs of life from perennials and other hardy types. Among those showing strong early growth are:
lilac (didn't bloom last year, cut back in fall, now, tons of buds, more than ever. yay.)
various dianthis
peonies--including new one bought last year
coreopsis (I think that's what it is)
two indestructible variegated groundcoverey things
bleeding heart
yarrow...? no that's not it. can't remember name....
anyway, some shots. welcome back...all two of you...
(you'll see that I'm a little rusty on the blogging and can't figure out how to flip my images to make them vertical...working on it...)