Friday, May 25, 2007


Things continue to take off here, and I have almost gotten everything planted. I'm very pleased with the pot combos so far this year; it will be interesting to see how they grow into their mature states.

As you may have noticed (or not) we still don't have the tent up. Yeah, well, you know what I said about the tent I bought on sale at CVS with my ExtraCare card? Go CVS and all? Cancel that. To call it flimsy would be an overstatement. I cannot imagine that tent suiting ANYONE's needs, but it sure doesn't suit mine. Hello: no internal frame, just two sorry excuses for an arching roof frame. so we out it up, and we took it right down. problem is, we really want the 10x12 dimensions we had last year, and apparently no one wants to make them. all I can find are 10x10 tents, or ones that are a million dollars. But I'm boring myself with this. A goal of the holiday weekend is to solve the tent issue.

Anyway, the plants are loving the weather. some shots from the lovely, uh, 90 degree day.