Monday, June 16, 2008
And Now, A Word From Our Sponsors...
So, our major client (Nick in Carroll Gardens--we continue to love you!) is really into birds. He really loves the birds. (And why not?) Many feeders, lots of seed, and they do come in droves. Hoping to encourage more feathered friends to stop by his garden, we planted some shrubs and other goodies this season over at his place. (Researching how to do that was actually very enlightening: shelter, food, water is the killer combo.)
Anyway, he inspired us. We thought--"Why don't we have any birdy stuff?" So, thanks to an Amazon gift certificate from Ed and Alaine O'Connor (full disclosure: dad and step-mom) we acquired some lovely birdy accessories: a bird feeder and birdbath. I love them, and the birds have already found their way to these items. (Watching birds is actually very relaxing--who knew? And seeing a bird take a drinky drink from a little birdbath one has set out is actually very rewarding! Who knew, once again.)
For all of YOU who are inspired: for some reason all of the Strathmore brand of garden goods (what I bought) at Amazon are deeply discounted right now--many with free shipping! Cheap but classy, and classic looking! Lean & Green!
Before the heat, before the storms
For those of you in the Land of Brook, you know it's been all kinds of crazy in terms of the weather over here. 105 degrees with the humidity, followed by strong winds and heavy downpours. (But still, the heat does not really subside for long after these rains.)
Anyway, I've taken lots of pics, so am not really sure what I'm about to post--perhaps the Iceberg rose I bought at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden sale...perhaps some overview shots with the yellow coreopsis and the campanula starting to bloom...perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
More the meantime, enjoy. (or really, just look at these pics.)