Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Reason #853 To Have A Garden

So, I went to this scrapbooking convention last weekend. (Have I mentioned that I'm a writer and am working on an awesome book about the exploding scrapbooking phenomenon? Probably not. Anyway--publishers--call me!)

So I stayed at this hotel and look at what was in my hotel bathroom. High class.

Kidding! This is my bathroom, adorned with peonies, roses, and sage from my garden. Word up.

The Mysterious Client

So yeah, someone paid me to garden.

Some shots here for all (two of) you Lean & Green fans...

Hello June

So, obviously the season is up and running. This is really the honeymoon period, when the spring bloomers are doing their thing, or have just past, and plant friends returning are starting to come into their own. (Before they lose their minds and get crazy in July.)

Anyway, I ordered some plants from Spring Hill Nursery online--seduced by some one cent sale--for my client's garden. Well, the shipping got delayed...and then delayed again. And I tried to cancel the order, but when they got back to me--the order had already shipped! Quel surprise!

So I got this box of random things....pictured here. What the hell was I supposed to do with this?

One plant was DOA, but I planted most of the others, and they are suprisingly...doing well. pics to follow soon...